A Cry From Beyond and Another New Start

So I have been doing poorly in updating this. I will change that promptly.I've now relocated to Prague, looking for employment and all of the rest that living abroad has to offer.With that, I also have an actual computer to use, so getting material out will be quite a bit easier on my end.So, with… Continue reading A Cry From Beyond and Another New Start

The 6 Zombies You May Meet During the Apocalypse (And Why It Isn’t All Bad).

Everyone has some impression of a zombie. Usually, shambling, fetid creatures with a penchant for human flesh and vocalizing like a drunken Jello Biafra. All well and good. But there are so many other zombies and zombie-like critters that escape the eye of the public, so we'll run through six with an appropriate food-based danger… Continue reading The 6 Zombies You May Meet During the Apocalypse (And Why It Isn’t All Bad).

Is UMass Building a Better Tomorrow, or Digging Itself Into a Hole?

Stepping in time, the Minutemen Marching Band has little idea what lurks beyond the safety of its practice hall. Covered in eldrich vine and crusted ichor, this edifice sits and gazes upon the marching band with unseeing eyes. On a campus of seemingly endless construction projects, why is it there? What keeps old buildings standing at… Continue reading Is UMass Building a Better Tomorrow, or Digging Itself Into a Hole?

Building a Better Tomorrow… But What’s Lurking Behind the Marching Band?

Stepping in time, the Minutemen Marching Band has little idea what lurks beyond the safety of their practice hall. Covered in eldrich vine and crusted ichor, this edifice sits and gazes upon the marching band with unseeing eyes. But what is it? Why is it there? Why does nobody seem to know what it was? However, cryptic… Continue reading Building a Better Tomorrow… But What’s Lurking Behind the Marching Band?

Building a Better Tomorrow…By Deferring $2 Billion in Repairs?

$2 billion is quite a lot of money. A lot. Like, enough to pay for one full year's worth of education at UMass for 90, 399.5 students. Or approximately 27, 777, 777. 8 24-can cases of Monster Energy Drinks for these diligent 90,000 students. Sufficient to say, it's a lot of money. Problem is, that's… Continue reading Building a Better Tomorrow…By Deferring $2 Billion in Repairs?

Building a Better Tomorrow…But Who Brought All This Red Tape?

For students both new and old, construction is nothing surprising or unexpected at UMass. We've had the new science building under construction for a good two semesters, we've had a pathway added near Bartlett, a walkway in front of the Integrated Science Building, repairs done to the sensitive derriere of the Fine Arts Center, and… Continue reading Building a Better Tomorrow…But Who Brought All This Red Tape?

Building a Blog, One Gladstone at a Time.

I must admit that there was never a point in my time at college where I would have considered the possibility of making a part of my career by writing informative satire. But whether it be for good or naught, my countless time browsing Cracked.com seems to say that there indeed is a popular niche… Continue reading Building a Blog, One Gladstone at a Time.

Stuck between a Sneeze and a Gladstone.

Back last month, I wrote a piece on Time.com's tech blogger Doug Aamoth, and this week, I'm deciding between a couple other bloggers to cover. I initially couldn't think of any that really stood out until I checked my bookmarks and saw two that I check so frequently that I forget that they specifically write… Continue reading Stuck between a Sneeze and a Gladstone.

Parkour’s Unseen Leaps of Faith

A voice calls out, “Scott, are you doing something stupid?” He bashfully responds, “...Yeah.” In the damp chill of a rainy, late summer evening at UMass Amherst, the lean college senior bolts towards two picnic tables laid end-to-end, and leaps. Extending his arms, he plants them upon the end of the first table and swings… Continue reading Parkour’s Unseen Leaps of Faith